About Us
The Ripple community is embracing and celebrating open collaboration, agile development, and rapid prototyping of the development of an integrated digital care record (IDCR) – an initiative that we hope will change the way health and social care systems make progress in this field. The work the Ripple community undertakes is open source, supporting not only Integration Pioneers but any others “pioneering” organizations who require the support of an IDCR in England and beyond.
Ripple started from a small group in Leeds. We chose the name Ripple to symbolize how one small action can have a significant effect across a wider expanse. So we are starting small, we are focused on our activities and we are hopeful of a positively disruptive impact across health and social care.
Our mission is to:
- Improve care to patients by supporting front line staff with better information and tools
- Support the creation of an open integrated care record platform for health & social care
- Support pioneering communities to deploy integrated digital care records
- To leverage the power and benefit of an open source community approach to healthcare
- Positively disrupt the healthcare market to bring it into the 21st century